Let's Talk: The Almighty Instagram Algorithm

It's what we've all been waiting for; Instagram has spoken out and cleared some of the confusion surrounding their infamous 'algorithm'.

Here's everything you need to know...

First things first, there is no single algorithm. Instead, there's a multitude of algorithms, each personalised to individual users. Instagram has clarified that various algorithms determine your feed: classifieds and processes function together to build a unique user experience for every individual account.

Instagram on phone

Instagram first implemented an early version of the current algorithm in 2016 to help users see the content they actually cared about and not just in chronological order.

They found that users didn't see the majority of content in their feeds, so this informed the decision to get rid of the chronological and introduce a ranking system. Instagram has since modified and edited the algorithms based on user feedback and experience to make using the platform as engaging as possible. 

So how does Instagram decide what you see?

Well, it changes depending on each individual user, but four key signal classes determine your feed.

1. What the content is about

This group identifies what the content is, when it was posted, how popular it is, the location tag and, for videos, how long they are. These signals help determine if the basic details of the post are relevant to you and your interests.

2. Who posted it

This signal aims to determine your connection to the person posting and how you have recently interacted with their content. If you look in your 'following' list, you will see two groups: ones you interact with the most and those you interact with the least. The accounts in the latter group end up there because you rarely engage with their content; therefore, it is featured in your feed less.

3. Your recent activity

What content and accounts you have recently been engaging with inform the content you will continue to see. The content you like, spend time on and further interact with determines what content you enjoy and what you want Instagram to continue showing you.

4. Your interaction with other accounts

The more interaction you have with someone on Instagram, the more Instagram will bump them up in your feed. How you interact with accounts, liking, commenting, saving etc., informs Instagram how interested you are in their content. 

These signals are also combined with general movements, such as what type of content you interact with the most, if you interact with content about specific topics frequently, or if you often interact with content tagged in your area.

The critical thing we want you to take from this? Post content that causes action from a user. 

Whether it's liking, saving, sharing, commenting, visiting the users' profile or even spending more time on their content, this is where the importance of value-adding content comes in. The more value you give your audience, the more likely they are to interact with the content.

man on phone

A few other things...

What's the deal with reels?

Reels are ranked similarly to your general feed; however, the algorithms also consider the creator's popularity. This helps Instagram decide how compelling the content is and if it needs to reach a larger audience to have a more significant impact. 

Instagram also actively restricts the reach of reels that include the TikTok watermark, so if you are cross-posting, make sure to save a version without it! 

What about the explore page?

While quite similar, the Explore page's ranking system does differ slightly from the main feed. It focuses on showing you content similar to what you interact with the most by liking, commenting and saving. Instagram offers you a variation of what they already know you like based on your past activity.

The ranking is based on your likelihood to engage and interact with the content. 

Are 'saves' really that valuable?

To put it simply, yes. 

When users save your content, they tell Instagram, "I like this, and it's useful to me". This helps Instagram know to show this content to other people that share similar interests as the user that saved it. 

Ensure you're creating content that is value adding and encourages others to save it for later! However, this does not diminish the importance of likes, comments and shares as powerful signals to Instagram. 

These are our key takeaways from Instagram's recent explainer article, and hopefully, they help you understand how content ranks on the platform.

It all comes down to creating content that is engaging and speaks to your audience.


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